First of all, thank you for even clicking on this page! I am committed to all of my comics remaining free of ads and sponsorships, which means my comic work is supported entirely by people like you. If you’re even here, I’m already grateful. Thank you!

There’s a few ways you can show your support for my comics:

Become a Patron

Every comic is generously supported by patrons on Patreon, a platform where you can pledge a monthly donation to keep us on the tubes. Patrons get cool stuff like early access to strips, WIPs, and discounts on commissions (when I can take them!)

One Time Donation

If a one-time donation is more your speed, you can send it via PayPal here! Whether it’s a coffee or a Ferrari, it’ll go to good use.

Word of Mouth

Webcomics live and die on word of mouth. If you like YRSA, or any of my other comics, please tell your friends! A link on social media goes a lot farther from you than it does from me, and it’s a great way to give an independent comic artist a boost.